Royal Rumble!

by k e S S e n | 3:24 PM | , , , , , | 0 comments »

" Its Royal Rumble . .newgrounds style!" Newgrounds Rumble has been my latest addiction. You pick a fighter and face your opponent on the arena. You can choose to play Story, Versus, Challenge, Survival, and Training. In the Story mode, you choose the fighter and play according to his/her story. Versus mode lets you choose your player and your three opponents. Survival mode is where you get to face all the players one by one. After you defeat your first opponent, another one comes in the arena. It reminds me of the Royal Rumble at WWF/ The survival mode though is locked. You have to earn ground golds first to be able to unlock it. Then the training mode is where you can learn the basics of the game.

The Deposits area is where the locked items, arenas, characters, and the survival mode are placed. You can earn ground golds and unlock these items. Also, this game can be played by two players. I have finished all the characters' story in the story mode except for Convict. Couldn't get through the last part so I just went to Survival mode and just got a record of 17 so far with Nene as my character.