The concept of plastic surgery in Costa Rica way beyond what it is in the United States in terms of attitude. Of course the quality of medical care in America is best equipped in every way to provide a standard of care that is prime in the world. But the focus here is about the out-of-control legal and insurance system that happen to control the U.S. healthcare system and made it inaccessible for individuals in the lower state of living. The plastic surgery cost is too expensive, the waiting times could take an eternity and patients can find no ease inside the clinic because of the rotten attitude.

Scott Bowers experience in his own country proves how things didn't work for him well when he visited the hospital. "Where in the world is it fun to go to the doctor? Certainly not in the U.S. A typical doctor visit results in having to sit in a waiting room for what can seem to be an eternity. Having to fill out reams of paperwork for insurance and the doctor’s own “cover-my-ass” policies." Though exaggerating a bit, he noted that he would rather get affordable plastic surgery in Costa Rica and have fun with the pretty nurses. Well I guess that is because the nurses and doctors in Costa Rica are very warm and accommodating. They smile and greet you everyday you walk pass them. Scott, also added that Costa Rica’s capital city, San Jose, is home to some really good private care where he found Cima and Clinica Biblica and have his affordable plastic surgery there.

Except from plastic surgery cost that made Costa Rica one of the most visited medical tourism spots for Americans, the immediate response of surgeons for urgent and elective medical procedures is another factor that makes plastic surgery in Costa Rica a sought after alternative for patients from the United States. Instead of giving you a pile of paper works, Costa Rican doctors will give you the estimated plastic surgery cost and give you enough time to decide. Affordable plastic surgery in Costa Rica includes total and partial face-lifts or reconstruction tummy tucks breast reduction, augmentation and reconstruction liposuction and liposculpture. Prices however, are generally 50% lower than in North America.

To know more about plastic surgery in Costa Rica, please visit GoSculptura Costa Rica and get your free surgeon consultation and a free preview of how you will look like after the surgery. Gosculptura offers medical vacation packages and will take care of all your primary needs in Costa Rica.